Monday, November 8, 2010

What I know now... I wish I knew it then.

Wanda's evaluation a few months back suggested that we detox Zack of Mercury, and Candida (yeast). She recommended Lact-Enz by Standard Process. This provides macronutrient assimlation , supports cellular enegry and digestive and immune functions. He was also calling for Catalyn-Standard Process. We sort of use this as his daily vitamin, and she suggested he take 1 more daily.

Wanda's food evalution had alot of restrictions and is very complicated. I was pretty overwhelmed but I thought that with my Kids home for the Summer, I would make the big push to work with Zack.

Summer was busier than I planned these eating restrictions were too harsh at the time. In retrospect, the Boys all had a great Summer. Lots of friends, Beach, Pool, Fishing...etc. They were very happy kids and that is important too.

Fast forward- Football Season starts... There is a boy on Michael's Team who's Father is a Naturopathic Doctor in our area. (Steve Nenninger) His name has come up in circles a few times, but now I see him at least 3 times a week. So I discuss Zack with him. He sends me some video clips about Gluten... he does the IgG Food Panel for Zack and Michael. We discuss some of the other work I have done with Zack...I tell him about some of the Blogs that I follow (Kim Brown-livingwithouttype1, Daniel, Lily-Type1ontherun) He is not suprised at all. He is very confident about IgG allergens and eating for Blood Type. I feel renewed and relieved to have made his acquaintance.....

I will tell you this.... WHEN ZACK WAS FIRST DIAGNOSED, IF I HAD KNOWN THEN WHAT I KNOW NOW, THE BIG ADJUSTMENTS IN OUR LIVES WOULD HAVE BEEN MORE FOCUSED ON DIET AND LESS FOCUSED ON INSULIN! MILK, MILK, MILK is such a big NO NO!!! And Zack LOVES his milk. Of course his IgG test show that he has a high reaction to Casein, Cottage Cheese, Cow's Milk, Goat's Milk, Whey and Yogurt.

I told Steve about how even on the way to the emergency room, upon diagnosis, Zack was pleading for milk- of course he could not hold it down. Again Steve is not suprised. He says that at this point it actually has an addictive quality.

Mike and I knew we should have taken MILK out of our home immediately- but the Endocrinologists and the dieticians at the hospital just kept telling us that Zack could eat what he wanted as long as we covered it with insulin. UGGHHHHHH...

OK. I need to get past that now.... There is a plan. Zack's body can still heal.

Interestingly enough, Zack did not show Gluten intolerance... but Michael's was off the charts. I'm sure it is affecting his GUT.

We will be concentrating on DAIRY and GLUTEN elimination in our home. We will also work with some of the remedies,and nutritional support Wanda has suggested.

Steve reasonably suggests, don't try to change too much at once. Sometimes when you pull one allergen out of the mix, the other ones sort of calm too.

Jaden will get the IgG Panel this week. All 3 boys will get BLOOD TYPE TESTS. We will re-evaluate what is necessary after we get these results back.......

The intention is to heal Zack. The reason I am also evaluating the other Boys is because IgG Allergens slowly "chip away at the stone". Anything that we can do to improve overall health now will definitely benefit them too...


  1. thanks for the updates!! it is amazing how the information we need comes in unexpected ways...

  2. My son (age 3, type 1) was just tested (skin pick) for food allergies and he has none. Can you help me understand why he still needs to avoid dairy and gluten? I buy raw, jersey cow milk and I always soak my grains before using them. Pasteurized Holstein milk is full of junk and unsoaked grains are hard to digest. If I take these precautions aren't I safe? He is eating mostly veggies and protein anyway, but do I need to totally take them out? thanks! -Sarah
    sarahagibby at gmail dot com

  3. Your comment is a breath of fresh air. I had stopped looking at blogs for type 1 diabetes because when my son was diagnosed about 1 year ago the support system I found online was depressing everyone was using insulin. I knew at the time I wanted to find a different answer. We listened attentively to the endocrinologist and the dietitians around the table at the diabetes centre and right away I knew something was wrong because they told me that we didn't have to change anything he was eating that we would just adjust the insulin. I knew that was not the answer for my son. A year later his 3 month blood tests are coming out almost normal and I finally admitted to them that we have not been using insulin. Their response was ohhhh it must be that he's still going through the honeymoon stage. My son is 14 and if he has to b on insulin for the rest of his life I am glad he is still honeymooning. I know other kids who are on insulin the blood readings in comparison to my sons are similar but we control using strict diet, strict exercise regime and herbs. I tell ya, my son knows more about nutrition, carbohydrates, sugars and fibre and protein and how to eat them in combination than any kid on insulin we know. I figure we have 5 years before we see a major turnaround since it takes about that long for the body to heal. When he was first diagnosed we listened to the insulin pushers attentively but I thought we should put the same kind of energy into something else. We started asking questions and we would go to health fairs that had a focus on diabetes but never found anything alternative or natural so I asked why and I was told it was because generally these things are sponsored by insulin companies, drug companies and the hospitals and so they have to screen presenters and purposely exclude anything that offers other options even for the purpose of educating yourself. I just know that I don't want any synthetic insulin in my sons body and its not easy sleeping at night as I'm always nervous but we always test and now we are in the process of figuring out how to strengthen his immune system

    Don't lose hope we owe it to our kids

    Feeling alone in toronto
