Monday, May 17, 2010

They know not what they do...

One of the hardest thing we face when trying to clean up our children's diets is the outside influence of friends, family, and even school. Trying to eliminate dairy is next to impossible when our Son's little league coach takes the entire team for ice cream. I know, I sound like a Mom with no back-bone, but there are already so many rules for a 7 year old boy diagnosed with Type 1.

Our children's health is most certainly at stake. The diagnosis for autoimmune disease (geez... everything is classified as autoimmune these days) is exponentially on the rise. We live in a pretty small community and last year in our elementary school, 3 children were diagonosed with Type 1. Then 2 or 3 more this year. Not even touching on Autism, IBS, Crohns disease, Allergies to everything under the Sun...... they are all rampant too.

When discussing healthy eating with friends who have seemingly symptom free children, it is amazing to me that so many are still unaware of dangers in processed food alone! I am eager to share this information with anyone who is ready to hear it. It is frustrating how many are not ready!

Generally speaking ... learn to read labels. And please, take small steps... but STEP! We all learn, step, back slide and step again.... it's alright.

So here are some simple things to avoid:
(Please note- I am taking this from "New Living", a Long Island publication )

1) If you see the word HYDROGENATED as in some kind of hydrogentated oil, or the words vegegtable shortening on the list of ingredients.. put it back... this will make you / your kids fat and clog arteries.

2) HFCS- High Fructose Corp Syrup is linked to many diseases and makes food addicting by shutting down the leptin mechanism in your body that tells you to stop eating because you are full.

3) If the product has aspartame or any other man made, wonder sweetener, do not purchase it. Aspartame is extremely dangerous.

Start somewhere! It certainly cannot hurt.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Kim, I actually bought the cherry coconut ice cream at Whole Foods. The brand is SO DELICIOUS and they carry several yummy flavors. Some of the flavors with cookies have wheat in it, so we avoid those, but all the ones we have tried are very good! I also make my own sometimes. I have a cookbook called, "Ice Dream" and there is just about every flavor you can think of in there all made with coconut milk. I got it from Amazon. Hope that helps!
